Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I'm back :)

It's been over a year since I've posted & I think because I got tired of the same old same old.  Anyway, I have a new blog with two of my friends ThreeFitFriends.  I am writing here today instead of my friend blog because I just feel this is where I need to be.  I haven't read any of my past posts & I am assuming there are a few doozies!

Well, I am still on my weight loss journey, but yesterday my Higher Self started talking & sometimes when she's RIGHT, she never ever shuts up.  I am okay with that.  I NEED her to blab in my ear until I do what I need to for myself.  Right now, I am getting back into eating well.  I did so awesome last year after my last post in 2012.  But then, as I like to say, Life Happened.  Hubs got let go from his job, I freaked & ate everything I could get my hands on - Turns out it was the best thing that happened to us :)

Now, I am just trying to get settled into my new routine/life.  We  moved into town from the suburbs, close to downtown & I love it!  However, with city life comes city people & that is a bit to get used to.  I am working part time as an admin assistant to the property manager for a high rise building downtown.  I dig the vibe downtown.  It's a lot more me than I thought it would be.  So now I have no excuses to not put the right foods down my piehole.  Today I do have allergies & am kind of feeling blech...but I am hungry.  So I am going to go make myself a nice Paleo breakfast & go from there.  Currently suffering from acid reflux, but my dr. seems to think we can get it under control.

I am giving myself 21 days to follow through on clean eating - no cheating.  Then I will revisit exercise.  I gained about 8 lbs from eating out almost every day since we've moved.  Not good!  I feel like crap & it shows.  Well, I think that's it.  I just wanted to jot down that my higher self is taking control for a while.  Love to you all!!!