Thursday, December 8, 2011


Yuck, been sick since Thanksgiving. Part of me thinks it's because I ate everything & put bread back into my system. Body was pissed off! I finally broke down & took Advil Cold & Sinus meds, and am finally feeling a bit better. My nasal passages sealed up like a ziploc bag & now are somewhat open. That's about it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm over myself

I think I am done talking about food & my journey on it, in it & through it. I am over it! Whatever will be, will be. Now if I turn out looking like a super model, I promise to share!!

I had a really good talk with my brother & it's nice to have support on my journey. I don't care what anyone else says, everybody needs support! My newest thing is to give out the best possible energy to all those whom I stumble across. Now with my being a homebody, I guess that might be a bit hard, but you get the general idea! I am vibing so that you have health & happiness! My perspective on life is turning around in a good way & well life is just easier. Even at my unhealthy overweight self, I am receiving great energy from all over. I know for a fact it's because I am putting it out there. I am ready to give.

I guess that's it because right now I am going to give my eyes a rest & take a nap! I love you all & hope you have had a stellar day!


Sunday, December 4, 2011


Ok, I was a bit dramatic in my last post, but I do tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve. One thing I've learned is that I can't let my emotions control my life. Sigh...I really think I am going to start a new anonymous blog. I'll let ya know!