Thursday, October 14, 2010

A month?!

Wow, it's been a whole month since I have blogged. Not a whole lot going on. Went on vacay, just got back a few days ago. Vegas was a blast, but I got sick when we went to the mountains. Total bummer!

But I do have to say I had a really good talk with my therapist yesterday & she told me that I needed to basically get back in touch with my creativity. What a lovely thought :) I haven't done any creative writing in a long time. I look forward to this assignment. She told me I need to get a book called The Artist's Way. I will pick up a copy this weekend probably.

Oh, I did go to a medical spa. I got a prescribed appetite suppressant. I don't really like it so I think I might try something radical. What's new with that right!? I think I might try eating just veggies & fruit with some protein. I am not craving meat at all right now & I was told that I am pretty acidic as it is & meat doesn't help that. We'll see.

I did do something a little indulgent while in Vegas. I got myself a sweet Louis Vuitton Purse & LV wallet. Nom Nom!!! It's my motivator. So when I was at the med spa, the dr. asked me why I got a Louis Vuitton? She said it's because it's good quality right? Well, I want you to put LV foods in your body 80% of the time. I liked that a lot. She's right. I know what to do, I just have to do. My therapist also said that 90% of why I haven't lost weight is in my head. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? For real!?!? Nah, I'm cool with that because she is right. I am ready & willing & able to take control & kick some ass.

Anyway, I hope everyone is well & hugs!!!
