Friday, December 4, 2009

It snowed!!!

I was like a kid in a candy store today. Since I am a housewife right now, I got to see the snow fall & stick to the ground. It truly was magical for me as I have lived in Texas all my life. Yes, I've seen snow on a couple of occasions, but to be in real live falling snow rocks!!!

So, I think I have found the issue with my fatigue. I went & got a physical & my vitamin D levels are incredibly low. Normal levels start at 32 & mine is 21. So it makes sense that I am fatigued, my bones ache & I don't recover as quickly as I used to. I never knew Vita D was so important. Also, I guess I can sit my arse out in the sun more often :) I am visiting a nutritionist on Monday & am excited about this. Just a little jump start on that front. This week I've been pretty good about my diet & I am pretty sure it's because we are on a budget. Eating at home makes one helluva difference!

Other than that, things are pretty much same old same old! I hope all is well with everyone.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Another letter bites the dust

Ok, I promise I am nt making this up, but the letter 'O' is now on the fritz. I've been through E, A, I & now O. Either someone at HP is playing a joke on me or at some point in time I am going to be able to spell something cool & know I have a friend from the after life. Oh & the number 9 was sticking right before O. Who knows, I could gogle HP keyboards & there is probably some forum on there talking abut the sticky keyboard letters. But for nw I am just having fun! Notice all the words missing an o?

Other than that, not much to report. I did join boot camp this month. Finally, the teacher becomes the student.
