Thursday, July 1, 2010

Going Awaccupuncture Party

So my dad told me the other day that the definition of happiness is something to look forward to. I thought that was really cool. It's been a really long time I feel that I've had something to look forward to. I mean something I honestly really looked forward to. The one thing I have been struggling with for quite some time is losing weight & really just getting healthy. I tend to overwhelm myself with too much information & am ready to throw in the towel before I even begin.

Something happened yesterday that I think might have changed my life. You know, a few sessions ago, my therapist said I need to embrace my Asian heritage-specifically Chinese. Well, maybe because I am Chinese :). So I tried accupuncture for the first time yesterday & the results have been faneffingtastic. Remember me complaining about headaches? It turns out that I have had really bad sinus infection & that is why my eyes have felt like they were going to pop out of my head. I go into the session not having ANY idea what to expect. I was a bit nervous due to the fact I knew I would have these needles sticking out of my body & that I would look like the guy from Hellraiser. Anyway, my accupuncturist was really cool & very funny & helped me be relaxed. He doesn't just throw you down on the table & start puncturing you with needles. He does an assesment & this is what intrigued me the most....It's kind of hard to explain, but bear with me. I am sitting in a chair & he puts a round pillow on my lap with my wrists resting on the pillow. He picks up my right wrist & squeezes it. Just from doing that, he says 'Your immune system is weakened right now and your metabolism is really off.' He then takes my pulse & says it's a bit high. So then he squeezes my left wrist & says 'Do your knees hurt? I see some arthritis.' I respond, actually yes. I have had achey knees for the past week or so. He says a few other things & then starts looking at my left ear. 'I sense that your stomach is really worn out. It's really cold. Don't eat anything out of the fridge anymore.' 'Also, are you stressed out?' The last time I had my adrenal glands checked, I had high cortisol levels. Ok....So then he looks at my right ear & asks me 'Does your low back hurt? I sense some sciatica.' By now I am like OMG-this IS Ancient Chinese Secret. Because my back started hurting last Sunday. Then he rattled off a few more things.

Next he had me lay down on the table & let me know what he was going to do & then he started with my legs. So he pins both my legs & proceeds to put the needles in my right hand. So far so good. THEN he put a needle in my right ear. Holy shitballs-it was so painful! I was like 'Uh, this one hurts. Like a LOT!' He said, that is the point for stress. Bingo, I started to catch on that whatever needs to be fixed is going to hurt a lot at first. So he puts one in my other ear (no big deal) & then he started to needle my left hand. The first two were like buttah, but then the third one kicked my ass! So I asked what pressure point that was & he said that's the pressure behind your eyes. AHA! That was the whole reason I wanted to try accupuncture-to relieve the pressure behing my eyes. Anyway, he told me he would come back to check on me in 10 minutes. He left & I laid there & all these weird sensastions started happening. My legs felt like they weighed 1000 pounds each & I couldn't really feel my feet. My head started throbbing exactly where it had been for two months. When he popped in at 10 minutes, he asked how I felt. By then for some reason my left leg was hurting a bit (one of the pressure points) & my left hand still felt a bit weird. He left again & came back again in 10 minutes. At this point I felt like I had icey-hot on my arms & legs. When he took out the needles my hands started itching like crazy!!! He was like 'this is good!!! it means your circulation is really working.' He asked me if I had relaxed at all while on the table & I let him know I hadn't. He told me not to worry about it, I'll start to relax & if not I'll have good night's sleep.

On the drive home I started to get really, really sleepy. When I got home, all I wanted to do was lie down. I was a bit woozy...BUT, I had the best night's sleep I've had in a Looooooooooooooooooooong time. Not to mention that I have had a great energy day. Slight headache today, but drinking water helped that. I got home, cleaned my kitchen, etc. My point is, that I feel better without having to take any antibiotics. YAY!!! I think I am on to something & I really do Think It's an Ancient Chinese Secret. I wish I would have done this years ago. OH! Most of all, he told me my hormones are out of whack, but he can help me get right & start to lose weight :) I truly feel hopeful for the first time in a long time. I am envisioning my true health & well being & it's fanfuckingtastic! (Sorry, I had to let that one out!)

I am having a going away party for the bad foods in my life. One of the things I was also made aware of is lay off the sugar & carbs. So this weekend is a farewell to crap & a hello to nutrition. Now how I am going to accomplish this is a different post! I had to add accupuncture to my title so that is how it came about. I am one tired beotch & need to catch some winks.

Love to you all!!!
