Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pissed off & Bitter

Damn...I had this great emotional release a couple of weeks ago & now I am just one pissed off & bitter woman. I can't even begin to explain all the bad shit that is happening to me. I mean, what the fuck did I do that the Universe is pissed at me? I don't brag, I'm modest & I try to treat others as I'd like to be treated but it doesn't seem to matter.

You know, I've been in therapy for a while & I have to say I wish I'd done this years ago. But the only thing that has ever bothered me is that I've been told the fairytale ended. But how is it a fairytale when it's real? When it's something that is truly intangible? I never grew up wanting or waiting for prince charming. As a matter of fact in my late 20's I wrote men off for good. I was sure I'd die alone. I still may die alone at the rate shit is happening. I am not upset with my happy head person at all - This is definitely not a slight on her at all!!! I need to be clear about this because she is amazing! I just can't figure out what the fuck is going on!?!?!?

I feel like I am being tested, but why? I don't think I can take much more of this. I may do what my friend Ali did & sell everything & go on my spiritual quest. I always thought I'd end up living overseas, specifically England, because I've always been in love with that country. I don't know why, but ever since I was a child I've wanted to go there. Really I have been climbing the walls to journey somewhere where there is a lot of peace & serenity & silence. I hate the city I live in because the people suck here. No one ever takes accountability for their actions & no one gives a fuck anymore. There's no pride in having a job or performing said job. It's sad...

Anyway, I haven't eaten yet & it's already lunch time. Maybe I'll just go drown my sorrows in some Baskin Robbins.

Monday, March 15, 2010


So do you ever feel like your inner voice is screaming at you, but you are plugging your ears with your fingers? Sigh...Sometimes it just sucks when you follow your gut instincts & stumble upon truths...I think I may be presumptious, but my gut is telling me it's not so. Only time will tell...

Sunday, March 14, 2010


So I used to despise my blog & now I jut randomly write. Not sure why, but I've posted a million more times this month than any other. Quite possible has to do with my husband being out of the country.

Now on to bigger & better things! Even though my hairstylist scalded my scalp, I have to say that my hair looks fantastic! I mean, true J. Lo spec. I wish I knew how to maneuver my blog better so I could post a pic.

I have been having horrible headaches, but I think it may be sinus crud. Wait, this isn't a bigger & better thing. I think I mainly just wanted to say how fabulous my hair looks after all this drama. Ok, well I hope everyone has enjoyed this fabulous weather!!!