Friday, March 12, 2010

Something I haven't done since College

So I was soooooooooooooooooooo hungry by the time I got home, I opened up a can of Spaghettios & ate them straight out of the can. Who the hell does that? ME! Me who obviously does not like to nor knows how to cook. I blame my husband for not being here to cook for me. I also have cup-o-noodles in the pantry along with Hostes cupcakes(don't ask).

When I was in college I lived off of Spaghettios. You may think this was just a starving student thing, but truth be told my mother never cooked & I was raised on shit like that. Sometimes I'd have a spaghettios sandwich. You know mix it up a bit. So sad!! But I don't think anyone understands my true resistance to cooking & being in the kitchen. I can clean like there's not tomorrow, but I can't cook to save my life.

Ugh, now my Jewish grandmother was even worse. But my Chinese grandmother could cook! Too bad we didn't see enough of her. She was really cool. I can't figure out how the bad cooking skipped from my father's side to my mother's side & then down to me. It's just like how we love to watch Wheel of Fortune. My paternal grandfather, my mother & then me. Who knows?!?!?

Ok, that's about it. Update on my wounded scalp, it's getting better. Sigh...I think I am going to have some cup-o-noodles & call it a day.

Peace out!!


  1. Girl, we need you to make friends with the cooking. Start small like with a grilled cheese and lets work our way up :-)

  2. Tex, it's true...but seriously, all I can envision is burnt toast & 3rd degree burns. lol!

  3. that's hilarious about the wheel of fortune. my grandmother loved that show too and then my mom. i think if it's on when i get older, i'll be totally into it.

  4. Too cute! Ali, my grandfather was so into Vanna White!!! hahahaha.
