Monday, May 14, 2012

What day is it?

Still getting that weird metallic taste in my mouth which in turn is still making me nauseous.  I hope this passes soon.  Also, the ringing in my ears is non-stop.  I've always had it, but it seems to be worsening...I am truly hoping that it has to do with detox.

I did ok today with food.  I am addicted to carbs, so I had 4 slices of rice bread (but I swear they are TINY).  I did finally get my green drink down.  But that's also funny because normally I can suck those down with no problem, but it's like my intestines are so full that any bite or drink fills me up instantly & then I have to go to the bathroom.  Whatev.

I did hop on my treadmill for half an hour & that felt good.  I am enjoying sweating it out!  Nothing too exciting going on.  I miss my husband, he'll be home in 4 days!  Yippee-there will probably be a lot of celebrating!!

Might I add that my hunger cravings shoot through the roof at night?  I think that is telling me that I need to eat more!

Til next time

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