Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day Seven

Still not weighing in, but I will weigh in tomorrow. I am going to move out of induction (Per Atkins you are supposed to stay here for two weeks, but I am moving on!). This week I will give up dairy & add in more veggies + complex carbs. I am going to embark upon a zig zag diet. I love/hate this diet. It's something figure competitors use to lean out so it's insanely healthy, but there is ZERO tolerance for variation. I've used this diet before to lose weight for my wedding & special occasions. My birthday is next month & I really want to make a dent in my physique & see how far I can push myself. Long story short, this diet works! I will see if I can post it on here. I have to dig it out of my diet archives.

So the withdrawal/detox symptoms are gone. No headaches - yay! I still got the stank, but once I get rid of the dairy & eat up more veggies I know it'll go away. My skin is clearing up & is smoother, but I have a looooooooooong way to go with my skin. I attribute that to my increase in water intake. The other TMI thing, is uhm, I haven't had really regular bm's. Yeah, I know gross, but I am wondering if it's the lack of veggies. That is my guess!

I don't really crave the breads & pastas, but I do get a mental thing about sugar. It just tastes so damn good :) Really my ultimate goal is to get into great shape again & then eat what I want in moderation. But we'll visit that when it happens.

My diet is still lacking veggies, but in the zig zag diet I'll be eating them twice a day. I plan on working out too. Nothing hard core, just basic weight lifting & cardio. I feel so weak!!! I want to be strong again. I'll post my workouts too.

HEY-GUESS WHAT?!?! I am actually doing it this time!!!! I am not looking back either. I am ready to go back to shopping for size six clothing & getting free drinks based on my looks ;) Believe it or not, that used to happen & believe it or not, it will again!!!!

Hugs & more Hugs!!!


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