Friday, January 29, 2010

Watching Food Inc.

It's really hard for me to express how I feel right now. I mean really, really hard to express. As a matter of fact I feel so overwhelmed I've been reduced to tears. If you've seen then you'll understand what I am about to say next. I am overwhelmed & reduced to tears because it just seems like no matter what I do in this world it won't matter. Why? Because the big corporations run everything. You have to watch & see why, but just bear with me. It's bad enough the horrible treatment the animals receive, but to genetically modify & push that crap into our foods & there are no consequences? The big corporation is in bed with the government. I know, it's all a matter of opinion at this point - but I am PISSED. I am sick to my stomach & I can't stop the tears. My heart feels heavy & I don't know what to do. Does it really matter what changes I make? I have to say, I feel like I've been duped & that our country doesn't give a fuck about the ecological consequences.

I have a new mission. So the gov't can do whatever the fuck it wants & the corporations can kill as many people as they want, but I am going to get a job to pay for turning my house green. Food first & then everything else. I don't care if I starve in the process. I am so pissed & hurt & sad & AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!


  1. After Jeff and I saw Food Inc, he patted me on the back and gave me the go-ahead to continue on our food journey of eating better. It does cost more, but he's already off one of his medications... so medical costs less. :)

    If you're looking for a place to start, may I suggest:

    We've recently gotten in touch with a local farmer for meats this year and we are planning our own family garden as well. This year it will actually be in the ground! :) Last year was a container garden. I've also found a source for fresh milk, too, but I still need to make the trip to go buy it.

    Anyway, I could write forever about food. It's always on my mind and how to pick and choose the most nutritious. I wish I had gotten on this "kick" before kids as it is so hard to convert my oldest who was raised on processed foods. He likes the sugar and the texture and the consistency of processed foods (every bite is always the same). Having homemade food with differing textures does not agree with his picky little self! LOL!

    Anyway, I look forward to going on this journey with you! :)

  2. Hey Becky!!

    I posted a comment to your comment yesterday, but for some reason it is gone. I want to thank you for always being so supportive & helpful on my journey!!

    I feel very grateful that you came back into my life & lucky to have someone to talk about nutrition with.

    I think it's absolutely fabulous that Jeff is off one of his meds. How liberating that must feel :) And as far as getting your kiddos to eat well, I am sure that will come too in good time.

    I definitely think I will have to make trips to different places to get the whole foods we need, but I have time to do that now & the gusto ;)

    You are awesome & thanks for being there!
